Teya Wolvington
Functional Core Fitness Training
Who is teya?
Teya Wolvington grew up in Oregon and New Mexico, and has been living and dancing professionally in Los Angeles since 2005. Her dance background gives her a unique understanding of the body in motion, with a keen eye for posture and alignment.
Teya is not your typical “bootcamp” style personal trainer. Her approach, through constructive encouragement, incorporates the foundational values of core fitness training; the development of deep abdominal strength and proper alignment methods that will carry over into every facet of your life.
With an overall emphasis on functional movement, each session is designed and personalized for you to challenge your body’s balance, agility, flexibility, and posture no matter your age, experience, or fitness level.
Teya also specializes in postpartum and injury recovery techniques. As a mother herself, she understands the often overwhelming difficulties of getting your body confidence back.
Exercise is not optional if you want to be able to move gracefully as you age and maintain an active lifestyle while doing the things you love!
It is NEVER TOO LATE to start moving.
Teya received her CHEK Exercise Coach certification in 2008 followed by a CHEK Practitioner Level 1 certification in 2011 and is now in her 11th year working as a personal trainer.
what is a chek practitioner?
A CHEK Practitioner (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist) looks at the body as a complete entity, in which all parts of the body work together. This type of core fitness training strives to correct the inevitable imbalances in our posture and strength caused by day-to-day living.
A CHEK Practitioner helps to achieve a fully functional, strong, healthy, pain-free body through specific stretching and strengthening exercises unique to your body.
Teya’s Specialties:
Prenatal & Postpartum Fitness
Injury Rehabilitation
Functional Movement & Body Awareness
Having Fun!
CHek training helps with:
Core Strength
Correcting Imbalances
Back Pain